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Network Storage Design

Network Storage Design


Write up a minimum of one page describing your storage design. Include how it will meet the storage requirements for long-term storage of order data. Draw a block-level diagram with Visio, PowerPoint or any other drawing software that can be saved as an image (jpeg, pdf or gif). Include network interfaces to web servers and include any network devices needed to support the connectivity. Label interfaces and items such as RAID5 volumes. Create a legend for your diagram to help your supervisor understand the connectivity and layout.


Network Storage Designs

In computers, the selection of data storage format, conversion of logical data model created during analysis, and physical data model add up as the implementation decision. It also ensures that data flow diagrams and entity relational diagrams come into a balance (Feng et al., 2020). The selected data format is, designed to optimize processing efficiency.  There are two types of data storage formats: files and databases. The database has a legacy, relational, object, multidimensional databases. A database data format is, selected and an object database type is selected which is based on the concept of object orientations and all things should be treated as objects with both attributes and behaviors.

In this type, change in one object does not affect the other since the attribute and behaviors are dependent on or self-contained and encapsulated within each one. The concept of encapsulation ensures data can be, reused at any level (Feng et al., 2020).

In object databases, the combination of attributes and behaviors is, presented in object classes. Also, an object class can contain sub-classes. Instantiation is an instance of data in object databases. An object-orientated database management system (OODMS) is, mainly used to support multimedia systems and applications that handle complex data. The OODMS has a database with both objects and relational characteristics.

object class

Order class

Objects are linked using pointers

Individual class
Person class



object Subclass

Customer id first name Last name
444 Picker polly


instantiation of customer class

fig 1. object database example diagram

The object database is used because it can handle both single and complex data without complications. One of the crucial advantages of object databases is that complex data sets can be retrieved quickly and easily, and also object IDS are assigned automatically. This advantage makes it to be a good choice for complex applications during development and deployment. A TCP/IP interfaces network interface is, used to connect the storage design over the network (Mohamed, 2019).



Feng, D., Jiang, H., Yang, L. T., He, X., & Brinkmann, A. (2020). Editorial for the special issue on storage system and technology.

Mohamed, K. S. (2019). IoT cloud computing, storage, and data analytics. In The Era of Internet of Things (pp. 71-91). Springer, Cham.

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